
Conclusion of this blog research

  Finally, I finished this research blog!! :D
  From this research I get more deep information about nuclear plants.  The issue of nuclear plants is complicated, it includes economy, nuclear waste, nuclear management and so on.  Before I do this research, I thought nuclear power is only concerned about environment.  During writing this research blog, I have learnt how to use words to search scholarly article, how to use them doing research without plagiarism.

  I should say, this research blog cost lots of time that I even can't imagine if it's not a HW for class how long I will take to finish it.  If I can have more time or have chance to do it again, I will read more and more articles to support my research blog.  This topic is hard to find source to support it well. If I can I would like to change to another article.

  I want to know more about how we can use nuclear power more safely, is there some alternative energy can instead of nuclear energy which will be more safe and more kind to environment.

PS:  Thank Jenny helps me a lot. After met with Jenny, I almost had no idea to find good sources. And confusing about the research question.  Since that, I redo most of my posts and try to get higher degree.

The last source: peer-review source

  I use "nuclear" and "Nonrenewable" to search source from CSU detabase. This detabase called "Academic Search Premier".

The title of this article is "The Morally Desirable Option for Nuclear Power Production". The author is Behnam Taebi. It's a peer-review article which published in an academic journal called "Philosophy & Technology".

The purpose of this article is let people thinking we should concern using nuclear power will influence the next several generation. He used a lot of out source to support his purpose. One of the main points is people should have duty for next several generation when using nuclear power. The other main point is burden we will take from the duty.

I think this source is credible, because it's a peer-review article. And the most important thing is this author is not some organization which is promotes or against nuclear power. Only possible limitation is although this author use a lot of out sources to support his purpose, some idea is from his own experience.

After this post, I have posted 5 source about nuclear energy. What I will do next is going to review all sources I posted and going to write a conclusion.

Work cited

Behnam, Taebi. "The Morally Desirable Option for Nuclear Power Production."Philosophy & Technology 24.2 (2011): 169-92. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2013.

New good source: Radioactive Wastes by operating nuclear plants

  This time I still find source from web.  I used my key words (which I posted in my blog)"waste" , "nuclear" and "org" to search source from google.  Luckily, I found one is probably credible.  I tried some many times to search a peer-view article, the article I found from database is always about how the nuclear reaction works something like that.

  This article named "Radioactive Wastes - Myths and Realities". Unfortunately, it doesn't have author. This organization provides so many good source, but I don't know why there is no author for many article. It's published online by
World Nuclear Association.

  The purpose of this article is nuclear waste of nuclear plants can't be disposed well and it caused many problems.  The main kinds of evidence used in this source is by using other report, such as "Waste Management in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle".  The article claims that "waste problem" of nuclear energy can't be solved.  Another main point is people and the environment take high risk during transporting nuclear waste.

I think this source is credible. I search the "World Nuclear Association" by google. From Wikipedia, "The World Nuclear Association (WNA) is the international organization that promotes nuclear power and supports the many companies that comprise the global nuclear industry." According to definition, I think this organization may be biased on nuclear industry, but for this article they mention the pollution of nuclear.

This article gives me some new idea.  Nuclear radiation can also contained in the waste.  Nuclear plants not only take risk from natural disaster, but also take risk from the management of "nuclear waste".

After read this article I think I still need to find out what other kinds of disadvantage or advantage of nclear power.  For the next post I would like to find something about "nonrenewable".

Work cited

"Radioactive Wastes - Myths and Realities." World Nuclear Association. World Nuclear Association, Oct. 2012. Web. 22 Oct. 2013.

"Radioactive Waste Management." World Nuclear Association. World Nuclear Association, Apr. 2012. Web. 22 Oct. 2013.

"World Nuclear Association." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Nov. 2013. Web. 22 Oct. 2013.


Warning: current problems I find after talked with Jenny

What I want to say is this project really need time to do it well.  I should admit that I didn't spend enough time on it.  Actually, I had already noticed lots of problems in my research blog before I talked with Jenny.  And after had that talking, I found more problems. However, I got some good idea from Jenny.

There are some problems need to fix:

1. Research question (Only need one question)

2. Pictures need links

3. More idea should be include in "Some idea from searching on internet"

4. Need strong reasons. why the article is credible?  Need information for next research.  Citation!! Links!! "One Good Source: Coming Full Circle in Energy, to Nuclear"

5. How did I find the article?  What's the purpose? Links!! Summary!!  "The second reliable source"

Idea for researching question:  Reed some general articles about nuclear, get some specific words in order to use it to find articles from database.


Third good source: Risks and Realities

I tried to search for a scholarly article about nuclear energy. I used the search terms "nuclear" and "risk".  Still hard to find source of nuclear energy.  I searched many times by database, most of them are researches of nuclear science.  I have to find source from google.  However, I found an article called "Risks and Realities: The 'New Nuclear Energy Revival'" that was published in 2007.

The purpose of this article is to let people know what is nuclear energy going on, what's the problem we have for nuclear energy.  One of the main ideas is we have big environment problem for using nuclear plant.  Another main idea is we need nuclear power and what we should do if we use nuclear energy.

I believe this article is credible because it used many good source to support.  I read the bottom of the article,the author is "a senior associate with the Nonproliferation Program" at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

After reading this article, I think human should do a lot of things to improve nuclear energy.  Although we need nuclear energy to decrease emission and instead of relying on gas, nuclear power should be limited by good organized international organization to avoid terrorist groups using.  Also, how to deal with nuclear waste will be one of the most important problems. 

I will continue searching some good source from database.  Hope I can find a good source in the next few days.

Work ciet

Squassoni, Sharon. "Risks and Realities: The "New Nuclear Energy Revival"" Arms Control Association. Armscontrol, May 2007. Web. 16 Oct. 2013.


What I have learned so far and what else I want to investigate

I try to find many sources. I realized that although I have a lot of source, most of them are not supposed to be used in the blogger search.

I got general idea that nuclear energy is meeting trouble now. Many reasons cause government try to shut down nuclear energy. However, many people still think nuclear energy will play the important role in energy in the future.   Though develop nuclear energy will cost lots of money, we still can obtain lots of benefits.

The second reliable source

I try to search for a scholarly article about nuclear energy. I used the search terms "nuclear" and "economic" I think it's hard to find a good resource. Many article is not about nuclear energy, it's about green energy. Furthermore, some articles are describe nuclear accident which is not about my topic. However I found an article called " First U. S. Nuclear Power Closures in 15 Year Signal Wider Problems for Industry" that was published in 2013.

The purpose of this article is to persuade people to support nuclear energy industry.  The author use many date to support his thought.  One of main points is the government is shutting down nuclear plants which we need.  Another main point is if we we don't use nuclear energy what will happen.

I believe this article is credible because it's published from environment organization. However one limitation of this article is that this organization is a little biased on nuclear energy.

After reading this article,  I think nuclear energy is controversy. And it looks like Obama is going to kill of Nuclear energy industry.

Now, I will begin looking for some source from library databases.

Works Cited

Elizabeth, Douglass. "First U.S. Nuclear Power Closures in 15 Years Signal Wider Problems for Industry", InsideClimate News, 24 Sept. 2013. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.